Fishing at Harrions's Pierce Pond Camps


Pierce Pond has been classified a lake of “statewide significance” with multiple outstanding fisheries, scenic and wildlife resources of national importance.

The cool, spring-fed waters of Pierce Pond (1650 acres) and its satellite ponds, offer fly fishermen wild brook trout (square tails) and landlocked salmon.

Over the years, Pierce Pond has had more wild brook trout of five pounds or better entered in Maine’s “One That Didn’t Get Away Club”, than from any other individual lake or pond in the state! The pool-abundant stream that rushes by the camps also offers beautiful wild brook trout.

Regulations are fly fishing and artificial lures only for Pierce Pond, general law through August 15th for Pierce Pond Stream. Flyfishing only on five of six satellite ponds which are within close walking distance. The concept of catch and release is encouraged and practiced by many at Pierce Pond.

Guides are available if requested in advance.